Slow Cooker Spicy Shredded Beef – Perfect For Tacos!

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A few months ago, I shared with you all a recipe for Mexican Shredded Chicken that you all loved!
It was apparently a hit, even though I was not sure how many would actually like a recipe for Mexican food. My family, in particular, is not a fan of Mexican food, but since I wanted to share what I love as well, I gave it a try and you all loved it. That is awesome! Today I want to share with you another awesome recipe for your tacos: Mexican Shredded Beef. It is just as tasty as the chicken and I think it is even best when combined with the other recipe.
It really is so much fun to eat both types of meat in one taco! This recipe is another easy one with little prep and most all of the work is done in your Crock Pot. It is perfect to come home to after a long day at work or school activities. The meat will be perfectly tender and all you have to do is pull on it gently with two forks and it will come apart in strips, perfect for tacos. This recipe cannot get any simpler or more delicious!

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