Orchard-Fresh Apple Bread Pudding – It’s Tart, It’s sweet, It’s Amazing!

Cover Image for Orchard-Fresh Apple Bread Pudding – It’s Tart, It’s sweet, It’s Amazing!

Here where we live, there is a big shopping scene.

There are lots of malls and they are packed every single day of the year. It seems like a usual outing in our town is to hit the mall for some window shopping and then eat at one of the many restaurants. Every year, they open 3-4 new restaurants so one of these days, it is going to catch up to a number of stores and be even. “That will be the day,” my husband always says.

There are some stores, like Nordstrom, that have their own restaurants inside. It is pretty convenient because you can go in mid shopping, have lunch, and then get right back at it exactly where you left off. No need to walk all the way to the food court.

Now, the food there is pretty simple, but they have one signature dessert that is amazing: white chocolate bread pudding. Now as amazing as it is (and I love it!) most of my family cannot enjoy it because they cannot eat chocolate. So, I have decided to alter the recipe to make it at home. Instead of chocolate, I let seasoned apples flavor it, and boy was it good.

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