Slow Cooker Spicy Shredded Beef – Perfect For Tacos!

Cover Image for Slow Cooker Spicy Shredded Beef – Perfect For Tacos!

This is the perfect recipe to be left simmering away while you are at work. Then upon your return, you will find a house that smells delicious and beef that is just as tasty as it smells. Seriously, who wouldn’t want to have their whole house smell like this amazing shredded beef? The seasonings and spices in it give off such a fragrant aroma that my mouth is watering just thinking about it.
This is what I am talking about! An overnight recipe, or one that you can leave cooking away while you are out on a long day and you’ll have something delicious to come home to!

4 lb. beef chuck roast
cooking oil
1 cup diced white onion
½ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. pepper

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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