9 Surprising Things You Should Know About Air Travel

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4- Nothing New Around Here

Blankets, pillows, and earphones for all! Those comfy complimentary items may make you feel special while sitting in economy, but they aren’t fresh or new. Blankets and pillows are passed from flight to flight, leaving you open to a myriad of yucky things – like lice, viruses, and bodily fluids. Free earphones are often given out on certain flights, but they too get recycled. Knowing this now will leave you wondering about their past lives.

5- The Lav Unlocks From the Outside

Whatever you think you may be keeping private in the bathroom really isn’t. There’s a hidden sliding mechanism that allows the door to be unlocked from the outside, so remember that the next time you need to handle your business.

6- Keep Your Shoes On

For starters, no one wants to see bare feet hovering near their face. In addition to being good and basic plane etiquette, keeping your shoes on is also good for you. Floor hazards can include dried blood and vomit, broken glass, and unidentified substances of the sticky kind.

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