9 Surprising Things You Should Know About Air Travel

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7- Pets

One ramp employee shared that pets are exposed to a ridiculous amount of noise on the tarmac. If humans have to use ear protection, then imagine how your doggie is coping out there. The weather may also mean extremes in heat, cold, or rain as they wait to get loaded. It’s the reason some pet owners opt for road trips.

8- Pilots Are In Charge

Though the rumor is still up in the air about whether pilots can arrest people, they can most definitely restrain someone with handcuffs. They also can – and will – turn a plane around if a passenger is non-compliant or unruly. That includes breaking cell phone rules or being inebriated.

9- Flight Attendants are Trained Butt-kickers

They are competent in CPR, fire emergency procedures, and first aid, but you may be surprised to find out that flight attendants are given self-defense training too. Behind those cheerful smiles are the skills to disable a potential attacker.

Source: Tiphero.com

Photo source: coffmancmu via Deposit Photos

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