This is the perfect time to be getting down and dirty, lets do some spring cleaning! I know that I have been tackling so many daunting tasks that I typically only attempt a few times a year. One in particular was re-organizing my closet! Whew, this was a all day event of sorting and throwing out my beloved clothes that I have not wore since the 90’s and should not be wearing anytime soon!

The tasks seem to be never ending, and every time I delve into them I swear that I am going to make a effort to keep up on the area and not ignore it for the next 4 months.

One of those tasks happens to be in my kitchen. I am kind of a nut about having a clean kitchen, for goodness sake this is where we eat and prepare meals at. For some reason my kitchen seems to be the hangout of the house. When ever we are visiting or having company we seem to congregate in the kitchen. There is one area of my kitchen that needs some serious love, that is my oven! Yes I have that “self cleaning” mode on my oven but it really doesn’t work that great. I feel the oven needs to be scrubbed!

Oven cleaners can be so expensive and a lot of them have so many crazy chemicals. I am not to keen on using a cleaning product that I need to wear a ventilator to clean with, let alone putting that in my oven! Why not make your own oven cleaner from items you most likely have at home already?

Keep reading on the next page to find out 5 homemade oven cleaner recipes…

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