How These Simple Changes Can Keep Your Car Cool All Summer Long!

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Planning a summer road trip? If so, then let’s take some time to make sure that your car is in tip-top shape before you add any extra wear and tear in that oppressive heat.

So, pop open your hood and follow these simple tips before you set off on that sunny vacay!

4- Keeping your cabin cool will keep you cool

OK, so this one doesn’t necessarily have to do with the overall health of your car, but we thought we would add it so that you don’t end up enduring symptoms of heat stroke while on your way to the beach!

It probably goes without saying, but always try to park under a shady spot, and before you lock up, pop in a reflecting sun visor to cover your windshield. If you have leather interior, then drape light-colored towels over the seats and steering wheel. This one simple step will save you from having to turn on the A/C to “cool down” the car before you get in!

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