Turn Your Dirty Kitchen Clean Again With These 7 Awesome Cleaning Tips

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That lemon-half method is just one of SEVEN kitchen cleaning tricks Food52 recently shared, and like so many of our favorites, it’s one that never occurred to us but makes so much sense once we consider it. Looking at the rest of the list inspired us to take a look back at some of our favorite kitchen cleaning posts, and of course we had to share what we found with you! What follows is the best of both worlds: seven kitchen cleaning hacks from our archives and from Food52. First up? That lemon-in-the-oven trick.

1-Combine the power of lemons and your oven to kill fruit flies.


Fruit flies are a persistent, hard-to-tackle problem, but this clever tip zaps them fast! Just put two lemon halves in your oven and leave the door propped open overnight. In the morning, close the door and turn the broiler on for a few minutes. Turn it off, let the oven cool, then throw away the lemons and clean the bottom of your oven. No more flies!

2-Use vinegar – and only vinegar – to remove hard water deposits.


We were big fans of this tip when we first told you about it, and we still are! If you’ve got a sink stained by hard water, all you need is vinegar to dissolve the calcium deposits and make them completely easy to remove.

3-De-“gunk” your cabinets without harsh chemicals.

Another of our all-time favorite ideas involves another DIY cleaning staple almost as popular as vinegar: baking soda! By making a solution that’s one part vegetable oil and two parts baking soda, you’ll create the perfect cleaner for gunky kitchen cabinets. Just work it into the wood with a sponge, a toothbrush, or even your hands!

4-Keep your sink bright and white with leftover lemon.


A white sink can make your kitchen look classic and fresh, but it can also show off even the smallest bits of mess. Over time, stains can add up, no matter how vigilantly we clean. The solution? Once again, it’s baking soda! This time, combining it with a lemon wedge kills germs and brings back some shine. Just sprinkle some baking soda in the sink and use the lemon wedge as a scrubber!

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