Take The Easy Road And End Up With This Incredible Breakfast!

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Super Easy And Delicious Blueberry Cake!

My daughter called me recently in a panic because she was called into work in the morning and her regular babysitter already had different plans. “Can you take the kids?” Of course I can! Whenever I get to take those little munchkins for the day it’s going to be a good one. They just light up my life and make me laugh hysterically at everything they do and say. It was their Spring break, so they didn’t even have to leave me to go to school. I got to spend the entire day with my favorite people.

I had a new recipe for a blueberry cake that my friend next door had given me, that I wanted to try out, and this was the perfect time to do it. I knew the kids would just love it. What kid doesn’t want to eat cake for breakfast?

I got up super early, too excited to sleep anyways, and tossed this in the oven. By the time they were stomping through the front door, I was pulling it out of the oven. I entertained them for a few minutes while it cooled off and then we all sat down and devoured the fresh cake. It was absolutely delicious!

The kids loved it so much, they made me tell their mom all about it. I tried to get them to explain it, but they just kept saying that they had cake for breakfast.

She looked less than impressed at me so I was sure to clear that up for them. It’s kind of like a pancake and it had fruit in it so it was somewhat healthy right? I can’t wait until they get to come back so that I can make it again! Although I think I’m actually going to make this for dessert, too!

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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