Enjoy A Delicious Filipino Appetizer With Good Friends And Family

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My husband had gotten a new job, and we had to move nearly an hour away from home.
For a while, I was driving back and forth to see old friends almost every week. After a bit though, that got to be kind of exhausting. Not that I was going to forget about my old friends, but I had to do something to make some new ones that were closer to our new house. I decided that I was going to join a Mommy & Me group with our three-year-old son. I figured that would be a good place to meet moms like me.
I became fast friends with a woman there who also had a three-year-old. We just talked at class for a while, and then one day, she invited me and my family over to her house to meet the rest of her family and for a dinner. I eagerly accepted. I was so happy to know someone finally that I could get together with.
Her first entree came out and it was an egg roll looking food, which she called lumpia. Her mom was from the Philippines and she had learned how to make her traditional recipe. I was a little nervous at first, but these things were amazing!

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