Miracle Minestrone Soup: A Pot Of Home Cooked Happiness

Cover Image for Miracle Minestrone Soup: A Pot Of Home Cooked Happiness

My grandma and I have always loved going out together at least once a week since I was little girl.
Back then, she used to drive me around and now I drive her. There have been so many shifts in our relationship, but we are so grateful for the time we have together and get to share and bond. It is really one of the aspects of our lives that we look forward to most.
Now, last week, my grandma and I went out on our weekly outing. We went to an Italian American fusion restaurant. It had a lot of cool ideas like a burger on a bed of pasta (I suppose that is like pasta and meatballs). They also had those elements swapped like a burger bun with a few meatballs inside. Everything looked absolutely delicious.
We had no idea what to order, but we decided on a couple of neat sandwiches. With those sandwiches came garlic biscuits (instead of garlic rolls) and a bowl of soup. The soup was hamburger meat inside of a minestrone soup. It was a mix of American and Italian classics and it was positively delicious. We were hooked on the new combinations and made it happen at home.

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