You’re Going To Want To Make Enough For Seconds Of This Casserole

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My very first job was a cleaning lady at a local hotel. It wasn’t the prettiest occupation, but it gave me a little money in my pocket, and it taught me about how to be responsible, and how to clean. I worked there for several years in high school before going off to college. On my last day at work, like with everyone that left the job, they held a potluck lunch in the banquet room with all the staff that wanted to wish me well. I was so sad to say goodbye to the many friends that I had made, but super excited for my new venture.
One of the most memorable parts of that party was the food. One of the ladies that I had worked with, Jaime, had brought in a casserole that was like nothing I had ever seen before. She called it cheeseburger casserole, and it was just like this recipe from Love Bakes Good Cakes.
It was so delicious. She said that she noticed how I always ordered cheeseburgers from the kitchen so she knew that I would love this. She was right! It was amazing. I had her write down that recipe for me and I still use it to this day, almost 15 years later!

This is one of those quick casseroles that I can whip up for the family when I don’t have a lot of time to spend in the kitchen. I can even make the hamburger ahead of time so when it’s time to cook, that part of the job is done for me already. My kids love this casserole just as much as I do. It was one of the first things that I ever made my husband, too. He requests it about once a week! Check out what they are saying about this recipe over at Love Bakes Good Cakes:
“That looks so good! And I bet you won’t have to fight the kids to eat it.”
There are never any arguments coming from my little ones when this is on their plates.

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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