Keep Calm And Eat These Yum-Yum-YUM Meatballs!

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May I present; the most mind-blowing meatballs you’ll EVER taste.

Your store-bought meatball days are over once you’ve tried this super tasty recipe! The aromas alone should be considered illegal, and when you sink your teeth into one of these – you’re in for a surprise! These meatballs are not only swimming in the most delicious homemade tomato sauce you’ve ever tasted. They also come bearing gifts! And by that I mean, they’re filled with something amazing.

You see, there’s a big chunk of yummy cheese inside each and every one of these meatballs! Whether you’d like to use mozzarella or provolone cheese, it’s up to you. You could even switch to a completely different kind of cheese, or add a combination of two, to make your taste buds dance!

I tried these with my favorite combination last week – feta and mozzarella. It may sound strange to combine those two cheeses but to me, it was pure heaven! I’m pretty sure I’ll make them the same way next time; although I’m kind of tempted to give cheddar a try, too…

If you’re in a rush, you could use store-bought tomato sauce to cook these meatballs. But I highly recommend trying the homemade one – it makes a huge difference!

Don’t try and fit all the meatballs into the pan at once, when you’re browning them. It’s a lot easier to do it in batches, and they will brown faster and more evenly.
You can make the meatballs any size you want; just remember to adjust the cooking time accordingly. Obviously if you’re making meatballs the size of your fist, it will take longer to cook, haha! Personally, I kind of like to keep them mid-sized. The kids love the huge ones so occasionally I make them that way, too!

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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