This Meatloaf Is A Real Treasure: It Cures The Hungry Tummy Blues

Cover Image for This Meatloaf Is A Real Treasure: It Cures The Hungry Tummy Blues

Nobody makes a meatloaf as good as grandma and she’s proven that with this recipe.

I am a major fan of meatloaf and always have been. My mother would make a killer meatloaf recipe that even my picky-eater brother would chow down. Her secret? Lipton’s onion soup mix. You can’t forget that one special ingredient. However, the following recipe for Treasure Meatloaf doesn’t use onion soup mix and it tastes better than any meatloaf I’ve ever had. Sorry, mom! This treasure meatloaf has CHEESE in it.
Audrey, from the Melady Cooks food blog, was ever so kind to put this treasure meatloaf recipe out there for all of us to enjoy. thank you, Audrey!

Are you super stoked to get this wonderful recipe in your possession? Great! I’ll end your waiting by guiding you over to the next page (just click the link below). Once there, you’ll have all the details on how to make this amazing dish. Happy cooking!

Treasure Meatloaf is a treasure for both the dinner table and my belly!

Take a look at what my friend Audrey from the Melady Cooks food blog had to say about this magnificent recipe:
Treasure Meatloaf by Kitty Bell was one of the first recipes I ever collected. I was 16 and as part of our church youth group (aka Luther League) we had monthly dinners with our church youth coordinator, Kitty Bell. She made us a meatloaf dinner which we ate before going to see ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’. I thought the meatloaf was almost as amazing as Jesus in the movie. I had a crush on Jesus Ted Neeley for years.

That’s quite the interesting story, Audrey LOL! Thanks for sharing your Treasure Meatloaf recipe with us.
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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