White Chocolate, Blueberry, And Ginger Cookies

Cover Image for White Chocolate, Blueberry, And Ginger Cookies

This week is cookie baking week at my house. Every year during the beginning of fall, I bake batch after batch of cookies all day to freeze for the upcoming winter months. It’s always nice to pull out a fresh batch of cookies from the freezer to enjoy.
All you do is warm them in the microwave or allow to thaw on the countertop for a quick snack. I typically stick to the traditional recipes, but I like to toss in a few gourmet cookies to the mix. That’s when I discovered these blueberry white chocolate and ginger cookies.
Just the name sounds tasty! I made three dozen of these little beauties and I’m glad that I did because my family has already eaten one. I’m all like, guys, those are for the freezer! Haha!

Sometimes, I just get tired of all the standard cookie recipes out there. From peanut butter to sugar, they get boring. I was overjoyed to find this blueberry white chocolate ginger cookie recipe because it was a new variety for me.
Check out what my pals over at Group Recipes had to say about this recipe:
” This recipe is a very creative spin on everyday cookies. The flavor of the blueberries, ginger, and white chocolate match perfectly. “
It’s true, the flavors in these cookies do match perfectly. Each one complements the other and I really like that. I was worried that the ginger might be a tad overpowering but it truly as not.

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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