3- Freshen the Air
We are sure that it comes as no surprise to you that, on top of having the aforementioned health benefits, lemon also just smells really darn good! And though there are plenty of air fresheners out there to choose from, none can’t beat this zesty one—it’s cheap, has an energizing scent, and most of all, is completely natural.
4- Increase Your Productivity at Work

Now, we know that we told you to place the fruit on your nightstand, but we think this one is too amazing to keep to ourselves.
Believe it or not, a Japanese study found that the vibrant scent that comes from lemons can help increase a worker’s productivity. They discovered that a whopping 54% of participants made fewer typing errors when inhaling the citrus. These results may just convince you to bring some along with you to the office!
5- Keep Ants at Bay
With the warmth of summertime comes the peskiest of insects: the ant! If you are finding that these sneaky guys are getting into your home, simply leave out some chopped lemon. You can place one on your nightstand, in your kitchen, in your living room—virtually any spot that these bugs are colonizing.
We bet you didn’t know that those trusty lemon could do so much! Do you practice this lemon remedy regularly? If so, have you noticed any benefits? How do you like to use lemons for homeopathic purposes? Tell us all about your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below!
Source: tiphero.com
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