Brilliant Trick to Remove Cherry Pits Without a Cherry Pitter

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I love cherries in smoothies and pies. I don’t own a cherry pitter so I often just cut around the pit with a knife. The man in the video below shows a genius method for pitting cherries without a cherry pitter. I have been doing this ever since watching this video and enjoying more cherries which are an excellent way to add sweetness to smoothies. Not to mention they’re also packed with tons of powerful antioxidants like anthocyanins and cyanidin and reduce with inflammation. What I love most about this tip is that the pits go right into the bottle and not all over your kitchen counter making clean-up easy. Check out the video below:

How to Pit a Cherry Without a Cherry Pitter:

1. Place a cherry on top of a glass soda bottle or wine bottle.

2. Take a chop-stick or similar shaped utensil and push down in the center of the cherry where the stem comes out.

3. The cherry bit should pop right out and into the bottle leaving no mess to clean up.

There are several ways to pit a cherry. What’s your favorite way to pit cherries? Tells us in the comments below. Also curious what everyone likes to make with cherries.


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