Oklahoma Fried Onion Burgers

Cover Image for Oklahoma Fried Onion Burgers

For some reason that episode was on at least 3 or 4 more times within a two-week span and I finally told SP I had to make them. So, he picked up some ground beef at the store and I planned to make them one Saturday for dinner. Then we had a ridiculously huge lunch and couldn’t stand the thought of eating again. The ground beef went into the freezer, where it was promptly forgotten. I finally remembered that I wanted to make the recipe and put the burgers on the menu two nights ago. They were so good I had to blog them immediately.

Oklahoma Fried Onion Burgers are incredibly easy to make and insanely delicious. The key to making these mouth-watering burgers featured in Cooks Country is to smash thinly sliced onions into the ground beef before cooking. The result is golden caramelized onions embedded a perfectly cooked burger!

I thought these would be more complicated but it’s actually a very easy recipe. All you need to do is plan ahead enough to let the onions sit in the colander. SP said they tasted like a McDonald’s hamburger only a million times better. Baby Girl had the mini burger in the center of the picture above, sans onions because she isn’t a fan. They even reheated well the next day.

An Oklahoma classic, it’s a slider in style, but with way more onions, which help the thin patties of beef cook up extra juicy and flavorful.

1 large onion, peeled, halved and thinly sliced
salt and pepper

  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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