How To Make An Awesome Pie Without Much Effort

Cover Image for How To Make An Awesome Pie Without Much Effort

It’s Frozen, It’s Peanut Butter, It’s Out Of This World!
I found something really nice the day before. I was working (okay, I was browsing the internet mindlessly but hey, I was on a coffee break!) when I somehow ended up reading this wonderful blog by a lovely young lady called Steph. Her blog is called Steph’s Bite By Bite and it’s filled with all kinds of awesome things, for example food. I bet you weren’t surprised that it was food that caught my eye, haha!
Anyway, you know me, I had to go check all those amazing desserts and I am not even sure how many pages I got through, and how much drool I had on my keyboard by the time I came across this one. Guys, it’s frozen peanut butter pie. Did you hear what I said?
This might be the most taste bud-tantalizing pie I’ve ever tried in my life and my whole family was crazy about it. I was hoping to have at least one slice of leftovers to go with my morning coffee the next day… Not a chance. We destroyed the whole pie, every last crumb of it.

Recipe and image courtesy of Steph’s Bite By Bite

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