Lemon Chess Pie – Checkmate!

Cover Image for Lemon Chess Pie – Checkmate!

My husband is from Arkansas and I am from Wisconsin, two completely different cultures! The speech, food, and entertainment are very different. But we both enjoyed learning each others state’s way of doing things. It was very much a culture shock the first time that I went with him to Arkansas to visit his family. I wasn’t sure if I had stepped into a different world or not!
The south is very different from the north, but I have to say that I very much enjoy going back and forth between the two states and enjoying each place. My hubby’s grandmother told me that I talked too fast and loud. I had never been told that one before! My impression was that everyone talked too slow and quiet! It was pretty funny! But I eventually did get along very well.
I was very impressed with the southern cuisine! My favorite food that I had in Arkansas was lemon chess pie! It was so delicious. It almost had a custard like consistency versus what lemon meringue tastes like. I knew that I had to take this delicious pie back to my home state and make it for my friends and family. They absolutely loved it and you will too!

Recipe and photo credit courtesy of Taking On Magazines.

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