Charley’s Slow Cooker Mexican Style Meat

Cover Image for Charley’s Slow Cooker Mexican Style Meat

This recipe can be used with chicken, beef, pork and even venison. It freezes well, and can be made into burritos, tacos, or any number of other Mexican-style dishes. This dish uses a lot of spice, so please be sure to adjust to your taste.

Incredible. I’m from San Diego, so must, must, MUST have lots of flavor and spice in my meat, ’cause I’m used to it! Can’t throw a rock without running into authentic Mexican food here. The flavor of this is just like that juicy, spiced shredded beef you dream of. Not-blow-your-head-off hot to my palette. Just right. Cooking time: using a 3 pounder, we cooked 8 hours on low overnight. At 8 hours, the meat was falling apart; removed it, shredded with two forks, spooned off the fat in the Crock pot, removed a majority of the onions/peppers via a slotted spoon, returned mixture to Crock Pot juice and cooked on low for 1 1/2 hours. This is important; it allows the spiced juice that has formed overnight to really get in that meat. Spices: used a 5 oz. bottle of Tapatio hot sauce. Increased chili powder to 1 TBS and added 1 1/2 tsp. of cumin, because what’s Mex without cumin? Green peppers: used de-seeded chopped fresh jalapenos. Added a beef boullion cube like other posters recommended. When you replace the beef, now shredded, into the pot to simmer, add 1/2 tsp. of additional cumin and 1 tsp. of paprika. Trust me, this is key. Best part: your first meal of the morning can be Machaca; combine a handful of shredded beef, 4 eggs (beaten), 1/2 cup of veggies of your choice (we used onion/yellow pepper), stir in pan till done, spoon into ripped up flour tortillas and eat.


1 (4 pound) chuck roast
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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