Homemade Beef Jerky

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Thanks to a new wave of modern day cave-people, eating healthy, high-protein snacks is all the rage, and while you can find many artisan brands out there, making your own is fun, easy, and using this method, relatively quick. Have your butcher slice the beef for you.

I made this with bottom round and it turned out fantastic. I’ve had some pretty good store bought jerky and this recipe is right up there with the best of them. The only difference is the price. This jerky is much more affordable.

Made this twice, first time I skipped the setting the meat on the paper towels. It had an extreme Worcestershire sauce taste. The second time I rested on paper towels before drying, and it turned out much better. This is a great recipe.

I have never made jerky before. I made one batch with stir fry style cuts of top round and the other batch was with thin slices. I followed the instructions to a T and it turned out great.

This was fantastic!!!! Could not keep it around for more than a day with family members. Only change was AGAVE nectar instead of honey. Only adjustment needed is based on desire of how much heat you want.

I am not a beef jerky eater; I just do not like it! But after I made this recipe, I LOVE IT! And my family (who are all big jerky fans) absolutely loves it! They like it better than any commercial jerky and ask for it all the time. The pepper flakes give it just that perfect little kick. Fantastic recipe, don’t have to change a thing!

Great recipe! I made this last weekend and have not been able to stop eating this jerky. It has a nice bite to it with a little bit of heat on the back end (I added Chef John’s ‘signature’ pinch of cayenne to the marinade). Perfection! I will definitely make this again!!!

Looking for a snack/meal that stays well on multi day hiking trips I always found beef jerky to be the best. Just the prices here in the local stores are rediculous with $120/kg so I finally made one my own. Had to change the onion powder with a grinded onion and made a little less marinade for a little more meet due to the packing volumes sold here, and after 4 hours at 60C in the oven I entered heaven. So much better for so much less! I am now prepairing another batch which I will put in the low temperature smoker (max 35C) on pearwood on the first winter day of the season. Whiskey and sigar ready!


1.5 lb. skirt steak (or flank steak)
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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