This Divine Dessert Has Been A Party Favorite For Decades – And It’s Not Going Anywhere

Cover Image for This Divine Dessert Has Been A Party Favorite For Decades – And It’s Not Going Anywhere

Probably The Quickest And Easiest Dessert You’ll EVER Make
What is your favorite childhood memory? Maybe I’m a little strange but all of mine seem to have something to do with food. I remember my grandmother making delicious pancakes at the cottage. I remember how Dad made the best flat bread I’ve ever tried (and it was weird, because Dad didn’t use to bake!) And I vividly remember the gorgeous, sunny summer day when we had one of our family reunions.
How does that have to do with food?, you ask. Well, that was the day my aunt brought this incredible dessert with her. I didn’t know what it was, at the time – I just thought it looked like a colorful cloud and it tasted amazing. Later on I found out it was called ambrosia salad and I thought the name sounded beautiful, too!

Since then I’ve tried many ambrosia salad recipes but this one is my absolute favorite. It’s ridiculously easy to make and all my favorite flavors are in there. I especially love the mini marshmallows! Of course you could leave those out if you’d prefer to just have fruits in this lovely dessert.

I think the ratio of fruits, mini marshmallows and Cool Whip is just perfect in this ambrosia salad recipe. I’ve tried adding some more Cool Whip but it seemed a little bit too fluffy for my taste. I like those crunchy bits of fruits in there – my son is crazy about the Maraschino cherries and he always tries to pick those from my portion, as well! Too bad I really love them, too!
The secret ingredient of this recipe is the shredded coconut! It is what makes the texture perfect – but of course, if you’re not a fan you could just omit the coconut.
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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