Turmeric for Liver Detox
Turmeric is a spice not too many westerners are aware of. It’s mainly seen in South Asian cuisines – particularly in India. Turmeric is a very powerful natural healer – it is known to be a very strong painkiller and an anti-inflammatory ingredient; it can be of great benefit in tackling from something as basic as a headache or wound to helping to cope with severe conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, and Fibromyalgia.
Along with this, Turmeric serves as a great tool for detoxing your liver. Turmeric has also shown signs of eliminating cancerous cells from our system as well as preventing more to form. You can easily introduce turmeric to your diet by purchasing it in powdered form or as a supplement in pill form.
Asparagus for Hangover Cure
Asparagus cures hangovers by stimulating the enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH)- which are responsible for breaking down ethanol in our livers. Although, eating asparagus works during the aftermath of the fun night, better results are seen when it is consumed prior to the escapades.
Collard Greens: Cholesterol Blocker and All Around Detox
Collard greens are usually the green leafy vegetables we tend to ignore on the dinner tables but maybe understanding its importance will change your attitude on them. Collard greens are packed with tons of antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals that play a crucial role in sustaining a healthy body. They are one of the best sources for not only blocking cholesterol to form in your system, but also helping in eliminating years of old deposits. Also, they appropriately aid your system in eliminating toxins from all over your body.
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