Lemon Water: All Around Detox
Lemon water is great for eliminating toxins from all over your body. It does so by helping improve digestion and allows for more nutrients to be properly absorbed. It is best to have a glass of warm lemon water first thing in the morning , on an empty stomach even before the breakfast. Many sources on the web suggest that you limit your diet to lemon water to get the most benefits but we highly recommend that you do not try that; the body needs a wide variety of nutrients for it to function properly and limiting yourself to just lemon water will take away from your goal of remaining healthy.
Wild Salmon: Artery Clearer
Protein is quite important in helping you rid toxins from your body – but the source of protein also matters. Fish is a great alternative to heart-unfriendly meat options – the fat and cholesterol in fish are beneficial to the body; especially the heart. Generally speaking, fish would seem like an odd entity to display in an article about detoxifiers – since most fish contains mercury (which is very toxic for human bodies) – but certain fish like Wild Salmon, Summer Flounder, and Wild Tilapia contain less amounts of mercury and yield the greatest benefits when taken moderately. Currently, the FDA recommends that you consume no more than 12 ounces of fish per week to utilize the full benefits – keeping the accumulation of toxic mercury in check and still receiving the benefits from the nutrients.
We hope these natural items will help you attain a healthy lifestyle in the coming year. It should be kept in mind that these items work the best when you combine them with a clean diet, proper exercise, and the right amount of sleep. Keeping away from toxic preservative filled foods and drinking the right amount of water is a must. We would love for you to share your thoughts or any experience you may have had by using the items we have listed – all suggestions regarding the items we have failed to mention are also welcomed!
From: https://www.newszoom.com/mens-health/best-foods-detoxing-new-year/
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