An Exercise for Back Pain Shrunk His Belly by 4.7 Inches in Only a Few Weeks.

Cover Image for An Exercise for Back Pain Shrunk His Belly by 4.7 Inches in Only a Few Weeks.

We’re always on the lookout for the newest weight loss trend and, as long as it’s a healthy means of losing weight, we’re always excited to try some new method or trick! Well, this Japanese technique might be the most interesting and easiest that we’ve heard of to date. It’s only one simple exercise that you should do every day for 2-10 minutes and you might be surprised to hear what it is.

The exercise was initially prescribed to Japanese actor, Miki Ryosuke, to help him cope with back pain. But in the process, Ryosuke found that the method also was a fast and effective way to lose weight.

After just a few weeks of doing this exercise every day, the actor had lost 28.7 lbs. and 4.7 inches off his waist. Incredible, right?

Ryosuke has since been sharing this discovery online for all of us to try! This helpful video from Brightside walks us through the exercise step-by-step, and we can barely believe how simple it is.

Seeing the word “exercise,” you’re probably imagining some ab move or short cardio circuit – but this is nothing like that at all. Although this exercise does work your muscles, it’s not like your typical workout; you’re not necessarily going to be sweating bullets and you only need to stand in place to get the full effect.

An exercise where you don’t have to strap on running shoes? It seems too good to be true, we know.

Watch Video Exercise in the Next Page …

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