This Is A Really Wonderful, Healthy Dish That Everyone Will Like!

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Cauliflower is an underestimated and underappreciated vegetable, an underdog, if you will. This is probably because a lot of times it’s lumped in with a mix of other vegetables and doesn’t really get a chance to wow people with it’s own unique flavor. Cauliflower is a fun ingredient because it can be utilized in diverse ways. You can boil it and then mash it up, you can steam it, and in this case, you can roast it and then bake it in a casserole. Garlic, onion and olive oil are the perfect elements to help add depth to our veggie, then the tomato and red pepper are added to really fill out the flavor. This is a really wonderful, healthy dish that everyone will like; if you didn’t love cauliflower before, you will now!


1 1/2-2 pounds cauliflower, 2-inch florets
1 (16 oz.) can crushed tomatoes, drained
1/2 white onion, diced
2 red peppers, sliced

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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