Pepper Jelly & Cream Cheese Appetizer

Cover Image for Pepper Jelly & Cream Cheese Appetizer

Sweet, spicy red pepper jelly, dolloped on top of a block of cool, rich cream cheese is one of my all time favorite appetizers. I thought everybody knew about this awesome combination, served with a stack of crackers but I was wrong! A couple of weeks ago, I shared a recipe for red pepper jelly from my friend, Stacy Lyn on my Facebook Page. I described how I serve it and wow, the response I got from folks was shocking, with many never hearing of this incredible appetizer.

After reading your comments, I called Stacy to share because, again, I thought everyone knew to put red pepper jelly on top of cream cheese. My little story turned into a great conversation about how as bloggers, we can sometimes get so concerned about new trends or what others are cooking and writing about that we forget to stay true ourselves. Stacy and I both grew up learning how to cook from our family members. I think we’ve turned those lessons into a love of food that we are proud to share with family, friends and our readers.

During our chat, I asked Stacy if I could use her jelly recipe in a post about my crazy, good appetizer. She graciously agreed, like I knew she would. Good friends are like that.

I always have at least 3 jars of pepper jelly in my pantry and of course, there’s cream cheese in my fridge, so I’m always ready to whip up this masterpiece at a moments notice! It’s simple, pretty and absolutely scrumptious. It’s funny how unexpected combinations can produce the best results like pepper jelly and cream cheese. Thanks Stacy Lyn for your recipe and thanks to my Facebook friends who love to share and comment. It looks like good friends and delicious food are also a winning combingation.

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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