Creamy And Most Definitely Dreamy Caramel Apple Dip

Cover Image for Creamy And Most Definitely Dreamy Caramel Apple Dip

When it comes to dessert table food and yummy appetizers I am all ears.

You see, I have a family that loves picking at things like the turkey, stuffing, potatoes, and other main dishes before they are completely cooked. I. know, what a pain in the booty, right? They just can’t keep their mitts off of the food because they claim that they are “huuuunnngggrrryyy!” Well, I’m hungry too but you don’t see me gnawing on a raw turkey leg. Ew! So anyway, i had to get creative and come up with ways to feed them before feeding them.
This caramel apple dip was the answer to my prayers. I whipped up a batch of this stuff at a church potluck a few Sundays ago to test it out on the people. Everyone was crowding around the bowl and dipping their apple slices and graham crackers into the mixture. it was a huge hit! I had to remind everyone that they needed to scoop some of the dip onto their plates and not to double dip in the bowl because that is just plain gross. Luckily, I made two batches and had a fresh bowl in the church kitchen ?

This is one sweet treat that will be sitting on my dessert table. I think caramel apple dip is a yummy way to stave off your guests’ hunger before the big meal is served. Sometimes, I’ll serve this awesome dip with graham crackers or twisty graham pretzels. Talk about a delicious treat! Your friends and family are going to really appreciate this little dessert.
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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