Savory Beef And Broccoli Wins The War Of The Taste Buds, Every Time

Cover Image for Savory Beef And Broccoli Wins The War Of The Taste Buds, Every Time

I think I have mentioned my husband’s love for broccoli before.
He does not love it as much as he loves corn, but it is seriously a close second. While I cannot eat a side of broccoli all on its own, my husband certainly can and he loves it. He prefers not to eat rice or pasta and instead have a big bowl of broccoli. His one beef about broccoli is that it is usually bland. He wants it to be a bit more flavorful and maybe have a seasoning or sauce to make it better. He wants something more. So as I was out on the search for that “something more”, I found a recipe online for beef broccoli.
I thought he would like it (even if I did not), but it was pretty tasty if I do say so myself. And my gosh was it easy. I prepped the beef and chopped up the broccoli the night before and left it cooking in the slow cooker while we were out at church. When we returned, our home smelled glorious and the food was amazing. He loved the seasoning and flavor that the beef gave the broccoli and it is one that has stuck around in our home!

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