Tiny Little Clusters Of Christmas Joy: Chocolate Pretzel Turtles

Cover Image for Tiny Little Clusters Of Christmas Joy: Chocolate Pretzel Turtles

With the holidays right around the corner, I am in full-on baking and treat concocting mode.

How about you? I’ve made a new treat just about every single day for the last week.

Yesterday, I made the Nitpickers no-bake pumpkin cake recipe, which you can find right here on Recipe Roost. Boy, was it ever good! Today, however, I’m not feeling hungry for cake or pie or even cookies for that matter.

No ma’am, today I am craving sweet and salty. So what else could I do other than making pretzel turtle treats? You guys, these are incredibly simple to make and they turn out smashingly well.

You can give these away as little gifts, send to school as a classroom treat (be wary of the pecans and allergies), or simply savor them yourself. I don’t think a candy that has reached this level of goodness could ever be any easier to make.

Did you know that you can also use Rolo candies in this recipe? I guess that is the original version of pretzel turtle treats. In fact, I think I may just use Rolo candies in this recipe because it sounds like it’d be easier. Plus, Rolo candies are amazingly tasty. You can purchase a Family-Sized bag of these yummy chocolate and caramel treats from your grocery store’s candy department. Easy peasy!

There’s nothing wrong with going old school. These turtles still turned out terrific.

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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