Lose Weight With This Delicious Fat-Burning Soup

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7 Day Diet Plan

Day 1: Eat soup and fruits only. You can also consume pure water, unsweetened tea, kombucha, or cranberry juice. All fruits can be consumed, but avoid bananas. You can eat more watermelon and cantaloupe a lot, since they are low in calories.

Day 2: Eat soup and vegetables only, and eat the vegetables along with the soup. Avoid dry beans, peas and corn and eat green, leafy vegetables. For dinner, you can reward yourself with a big buttered potato. No fruits are allowed.

Day 3: Eat all the soup, vegetables, and fruits you want, but you can have no baked potato for dinner. If you’ve followed the diet for three days, you can expect to have lost 5-7 lbs.

Day 4: The fourth day is banana and skim milk day! Both bananas and milk are high in calories and carbohydrates, but on this particular day your body will be in need of potassium, carbohydrates, proteins and calcium to lessen cravings for sweets. Eat as many as 3 bananas and drink as many glasses of water as you can along with the soup.

Day 5: up to 6 organic tomatoes, 10-20 ounces of beef, lamb, wheat gluten (seitan), aduki beans, chicken (no skin), or fish. Take note to consume a high-quality range fed animal protein free of antibiotics or hormones. Try to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water in order to flush the uric acid out of your body. Eat the soup at least once during this day.

Day 6: You can eat as much as you want of beef, lamb, wheat gluten (seitan), aduki beans, chicken (no skin), or fish in combination with vegetables on day six. In addition, you can also have 2 or 3 steaks with green leafy vegetables. No baked potatoes today. Once again, be sure to eat the soup at least once during this day.

Day 7: Unsweetened fruit, vegetables and brown rice. There is no limit of the consumption of fruits and vegetables, but eat the soup at least once today.

Provided that you have followed all rules of the diet program, by the end of the 7th day you will have lost 10-17 pounds.

In case you have lost more than 15 pounds, make a 2- day pause and then resume the diet again from day 1. Always consider the fact that everyone’s digestive system is different and, therefore, this diet will affect everyone differently and can give different results.

If you follow it correctly, the Cabbage Soup diet will perfectly cleanse your organism of impurities. Furthermore, it will make you will feel lighter, more energetic, and healthier than ever before. What is great about it is that it can be used as often as you like. Continue this diet plan as long as you feel the difference both mentally and physically.

Important additional tips:

-Eliminate any bread, pasta, or fried foods of your diet

-eliminate any alcoholic beverages, due to the removal of the fat build-up in your body; end the diet at least 24 hours before any intake of alcohol

— stick with water, black coffee, unsweetened tea and fruit juices, cranberry juice, and skimmed milk during the diet and do not consume any carbonated drinks, including diet drinks

— no prescribed medication can hurt you on this diet

Source: www.fitfoodhouse.net
References included in Fit Food House’s article:

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