Greek Roasted Potatoes

Cover Image for Greek Roasted Potatoes

The fresh lemon juice really shines in this recipe. Followed the instructions to the letter, and I wouldn’t change a thing.

I love lemon potatoes from my neighborhood Greek restaurant and this recipe is just about as close as you can get to theirs! I definitely will be making this again!!! (The only thing I did differently was using vegetable stock instead of chicken because I’m a vegetarian. Otherwise, I made the recipe exactly as it says.)

Potatoes are one of those ridiculously versatile ingredients that, even though we think we’ve had them every which way, never cease to surprise us when we make them differently. While we’ve made hundreds of batches of roasted potatoes, we decided to take a Greek approach this time – something we hadn’t ever tried before – and went heavy with the lemon juice and olive oil. Along with plenty of garlic, mustard, and typical Mediterranean herbs, these potatoes turned out perfectly crispy, with a deliciously bright flavor that will have you completely hooked.

Just like the potatoes at my favorite restaurant. Don’t change anything. if you omit the lemons and oregano, as some suggested, then your not making Greek style Lemon potatoes.

Not only do we love the way these Greek lemon garlic roasted potatoes taste, but we love how easy they are to make! We mentioned the main ingredients involved above, but the prep “work” involved is seriously only five minutes. If you can whisk all your ingredients (minus the potatoes) in a bowl, you’re all set. Then toss your tots in the lemony dressing and spread ‘em out on a baking sheet. You’re done! Once they go in the oven you can go and relax for 45 minutes – when you come back, you’ll have the best potatoes to go along with your dinner!


  • 2 pounds yukon gold potatoes, cut into wedges
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/3 cup lemon juice

  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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