Delightfully Delicious Butter Pound Cake – A Secret German Recipe

Cover Image for Delightfully Delicious Butter Pound Cake – A Secret German Recipe

It was time again for our monthly book club meeting.

What on Earth was I going to bring this time? When the event is at my house, I kind of like it because I can make whatever I want and I really don’t have to worry about how I am going to transport it. Taking dishes to pass isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Usually, we just do a buffet line of some desserts, maybe a vegetable tray, and some meats and cheeses. I like to bring a dessert, but unless it’s cookies or brownies, I’m always so worried that it’s going to get ruined on the trip over. Someone else had already signed up for meat and cheese and vegetables this specific day, so it looked like a dessert it was.
I started a search online and found this delicious recipe for butter pound cake on Facebook. It looked so simple to make and there wasn’t anything on it that could get messy.

I thankfully had all the ingredients that I needed in my pantry already, so I didn’t even have to go to the store. It went together quickly and it transported so well. There wasn’t a thing wrong with it when I got there.

Since that day, I have made this cake countless times. It’s perfect for potluck dinners and social gatherings. I have a hard time making it and leaving it at home because then I want to eat the whole thing myself! That just wouldn’t be a good idea for my waistline. So, whenever I get the chance to make it, I will volunteer to bring a dessert. Sometimes I’ll even make one and just take it over to my sister’s house, knowing full well that she’s going to invite me in for coffee and some of the cake. Hey, whatever works. Then her kids can have the leftovers!

This is a nice cake to make for special occasions, or just because you are having a craving. It’s so simple…why not?


1 1/2 c cake flour
1 1/2 c all purpose flour
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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