Cauliflower And Ground Beef Go Together Like Papa And His Fiddle

Cover Image for Cauliflower And Ground Beef Go Together Like Papa And His Fiddle

Enjoy a hot and hearty helping of this delish dish of veggie and burger goodness.

Ok, so that was my lame attempt at a joke. I hope it at least made you laugh a little lol! Anyway, who knew that ground beef and cauliflower would ever go so well together? This recipe for hamburger stuffed cauliflower is pretty darn amazing. Audrey, from the Melady Cooks food blog said she wasn’t impressed with it but I beg to differ. I thought it was fabulous! You can even add cheese to the mix if you’d like. Yay!

I’ve been leading a low-carb lifestyle for almost a year now and when I come across recipes like hamburger stuffed cauliflower I get a little excited on the inside. So yummy!

Are you super stoked to get this wonderful recipe in your possession? Great! I’ll end your waiting by guiding you over to the next page (just click the link below). Once there, you’ll have all the details on how to make this amazing dish. Happy cooking!

Hamburger stuffed cauliflower is a simple dish to make and perfect for people who are counting carbs.

Take a look at what my friend Audrey from the Melady Cooks food blog had to say about this magnificent recipe:

I guess I was expecting more. I chopped up the leftovers into bite-sized pieces, added a buttload of shredded cheddar and warmed it in a nonstick skillet for dinner a couple of days later. I was more pleased with that version than the supposed stuffed cauliflower. It may be low carb but with all the cheese I added it was not low-calorie! But I finally liked the taste.

Oh, I don’t know, Audrey, I really liked this dish as is. However, your cheese idea certainly ups the flavor factor so thanks for that little tid bit ?
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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