Bea’s Baked Cabbage

Cover Image for Bea’s Baked Cabbage

We love cabbage here at this household. My friend, Rudy, had the best cabbage I had ever tasted and she said that she baked hers in the oven rather than boiling it on top of the stove. So this is more like directions rather than a recipe. My friend, Rudy, is origanially from LaGrange, Georgia. She met an NC guy and they moved to Raleigh when they married. I wasn’t married yet when she & I met at our first public jobs. We clicked from the get-go and I actually learned how to cook from her. We remain friends today. Maybe I’ll share the blue ribbon with her even though I changed to a different way of cooking them. I have listed three optional ingredients, which I use sometimes but not every time.


1 head of cabbage
1 or 2 pats of butter
olive oil
salt & pepper
sprinkle of sugar (optional)
paprika (optional)
crushed or ground red pepper (optional)

Find out Directions in the Next Page …

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