Bea’s Baked Cabbage

Cover Image for Bea’s Baked Cabbage


1. Preheat oven to 350 to 375, depending on how hot of oven you have. Spray roaster pan or deep casserole dish on sides and bottom.

2. Cut cabbage into strips and place them into the pan or dish. Pour olive oil over cabbage (you be the judge of the amount). Put a pat of butter or two on top then salt & pepper to your liking. Put just enough water to basically cover the bottom…no more than a fourth way up.

3. Cover and bake for approximately 45 minutes. Remove lid and continue to bake until water has evaporated. Stir occasionally.

4. I bake mine until it’s real tender and has started to brown only because that’s the way that I like it. My total time of baking is probably 1 hour & 15 minutes. You can bake it to the tenderness that you prefer.

5. NOTE: Rudy doesn’t use olive oil. She uses only butter…probably 1 to 2 sticks! Nor does she use paprika or red pepper. Yeah, she’s worse than I am…LOL!!!!!

6. *You don’t have as much aftertaste as you do when it’s boiled. You also don’t have that “green fly” that seems to come around when cooking cabbage.

7. **I added potatoes on top as Janet suggested and it was wonderful! I’ll make them like that again. Thanks for the suggestion, Janet!:D

8. 6/17/14: Since it was 99 degrees today and I had fresh cabbage that needed cooking I decided to experiment to see how it would be done in a crockpot. It is very good and push comes to shove I would do this again. Ideally, it would be great to use the crockpot on the patio or deck because I found that it has a much stronger smell this way than baking it in the oven. Go figure. It took 4 1/2 hours on high for one head of cabbage.


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