Easy Peanut Butter Fudge with Saltines!

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As if you need convincing, here are a few reasons why this peanut butter fudge is perfect for Valentine’s Day.

Peanut butter. I adore peanut butter. Adore = love = valentiney.
Takes ten minutes to make. Count to 60 ten times and you’ll be done. I swear.
Chocolate plus sea salt. Lalalalalalalala.
Very giftable, if you’re the kind of person who gifts things on Valentine’s Day. My mom is always good at that. This year she sent me some candied mocha almonds (rocking my life) and Valentine’s napkins all the way from the ol’ USA. I sent her a picture of this fudge followed by a picture of my face after eating all the fudge.
Just kidding. That’s gross.
Peanut butter fudge happens to make a real nice midnight snack. And breakfast. This and coffee? Ohhh my. This definitely doubles as a self-present.

Did I already tell you these have Saltines in them? As in, the crackers. Here in the Philippines the brand is called Sky Flakes and I eat more of them than I’d care to admit thanks to those ever-present mystery sicknesses and/or my mindless snacking habits combined with the fact that we don’t have a very well-stocked kitchen. On the other hand, I can’t remember when strawberry jam has ever tasted so good as it does when spread on those salty white Sky Flakes crackers and served with a glass of milk. Classic and perfect.

Yep saltines. I was a little skeptical at first when I found this recipe but I gave it a try and it was so easy and very tasty. It doesn’t have the consistency of fudge made with marshmallow but it is still good. Hope you give it a try.

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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