Cinnamon Roll Sausage Twists – They’re Better Than All Your Other Boring Snacks

Cover Image for Cinnamon Roll Sausage Twists – They’re Better Than All Your Other Boring Snacks

I found out about this recipe when my friend Apple served them to me.
I often go to her house to borrow a few books because she has an extensive collection. I love books, but I only buy those that I love to collect. I am a Harry Potter fan so I have all of the books at home. Sidney Sheldon is my idol so I have all of his books in my cabinet. But most books, I just borrow.
And since Apple has a mini library, I often go there to disturb her for a few books. The last time I had gone to Apple’s, she was actually cleaning the library. She said I should pick a few books that I love because she would be donating some of them to the public library. While I was sorting out the books I like, she served me a snack.
And this snack happened to be in the form of these cinnamon roll smokies. I didn’t realize cinnamon would taste so great with these little smokies. The sweetness and tastiness just blend well together that the Smokies was too delicious. I came home with a full stomach and a handful of books that day. It was a fruitful and good day.

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