Crispy Ritz Cracker Chicken Casserole – Delicious In The Crock Pot Or The Oven

Cover Image for Crispy Ritz Cracker Chicken Casserole – Delicious In The Crock Pot Or The Oven

So every year on Valentine’s Day my husband cooks me a meal.
Yep, he only cooks once a year. I do not mind it at all because I love to cook, and honestly, I usually have to be held back in the family room so I don’t get in the kitchen and ruin all of his plans. It is quite funny to watch him stumble in the kitchen a bit when he can’t find certain utensils or the ingredients he needs are nowhere in sight. I usually have to pop in and give a few directions, but for the most part, he handles it all on his own.
One of my husband’s favorite things to do is use up ingredients that are left over or weird or we wouldn’t use for a certain meal otherwise. Last year, my husband had found a box of leftover Ritz crackers and decided he wanted to use them. He crushed the crackers, added some salt and Italian seasoning and then dipped strips of chicken into milk and then added a thick coat of Ritz cracker crumble. I thought it was kind of funny and would not be so great, but boy was I wrong about that.

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