17 Year Old Girl Sues Parents For Making Pecan Pie Bundt Cake

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When I’m craving dessert I always turn to pecan pie bundt cake.

I can remember my grandma always making pecan pie when I was a child. It seemed like that pie would turn up at every holiday dinner, family gathering, and get-together. Everyone loved her pecan pie! It’s a sad reality, but granny passed away a few years back. So today, I’d like her legacy to live in with this yummy pecan pie bundt cake recipe that I came across. This recipe is so simple to follow! You’re gonna love this.
My husband and kids were nothing less than impressed when I made this pecan pie bundt cake. We ate it with mounds of vanilla ice cream.

I am sure you are an eager beaver to get the details on this recipe, right? head on over to the next page for a complete list of ingredients and instructions.

Pecan pie bundt cake is like having a little slice of heaven on your table.

Take a look at what my friend Erin from the Making Memories With Your Kids food blog had to say about this magnificent recipe:
Any recipe with the words pound and cake in it and I’m in. We love pound cake. I think my favorite recipe is still Grandmother Paul’s Sour Cream Pound Cake. It’s a family favorite and I make it often, but I’m constantly looking for a new pound cake recipe. Can you ever have too many pound cake recipes? Then I saw this recipe for Pecan Pie Pound Cake. Ummm….. did I read that right? Pecan Pie Pound Cake??? Heck ya’!

This is one delicious pound cake! My husband and kids told me I should make it again and again. I will but I think our whole family will need a subscription to Weight Watchers.
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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