Beef and Cheese are the Stars of this Simple Casserole Made with Minimal Effort and Lots of Love

Cover Image for Beef and Cheese are the Stars of this Simple Casserole Made with Minimal Effort and Lots of Love

You could probably open your fridge and find all the ingredients you need to make this family favorite. That’s why I love it so much! If I come to a day where I’m thinking what on earth am I going to make tonight, this one is always possible.
Sometimes my days get so busy it’s hard to keep everything together, and I call these kind of recipes my stash of lifesavers! I like things during the weekday that are fast, fun, and deliver no complaints from the peanut gallery. Ask them, they’ll tell you my famous line is, “I am NOT a short order cook, I’m mom.”
Being able to dish something hearty and delicious onto their plates and get just yums and smiles in return ends my day perfectly.

Recipe and photo courtesy of Betty Crocker.

Check out what my friends at Betty Crocker had to say about this Corn, Beef and Biscuit Casserole:

Season the beef well! It’s so easy to forget when following a recipe step by step. I’ve forgotten a couple times. But this is a great recipe, easy to make and definitely a crowd-pleaser.

I used corn instead of creamed corn and omitted the olives. I think I will flatten the biscuits a little more next time, and add chili seasoning to the beef mixture. Great dish!

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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