Yummy Apple Slab Pie Recipe

Cover Image for Yummy Apple Slab Pie Recipe

TOP Reviews:

Apple Slab Pie it was incredibly easy to make, bigger than your average pie, and was absolutely delicious. If you like to make things that are easy to prepare try this recipe. I know for sure that I will be baking this pie over and over again.

I have to admit I was pretty skeptical as I was making this recipe. I baked it in a 10×15 cookie sheet and was worried that the whole thing would overflow and make a huge mess. BUT…it turned out great. I’ve never made my own crust before and this was super easy, and I used apples from my backyard. I don’t know if I would call it a pie, so much as an apple pie “square”, but once it has cooled it cuts up and serves easily and tastes great! I will definitely use this recipe again.

WONDERFUL! Needed a quick dessert with apples, and tried this. Everyone gave great compliments. Def a keeper for anytime, and makes a great fall dessert on a chilly night with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top! I used a different pie crust recipe because I do not like a “roll” pie crust, so I used the “NO ROLL PIE CRUST I” from this website, you just press the crust into the pan with your hand, so much easier and very crisp and flaky.

I am just learning how to cook and this is the first homemade anything I have EVER made! It was a huge hit with everyone! It is easy to make, I definetly recommend this recipe to all! šŸ™‚

This was AMAZING. I love it. I followed someone else’s advice and used the “no roll pie crust 1” for the crust because I hate rolling dough and by doubling that recipe it was perfect for the crust. I also used less sugar and thought it was perfect but sweetness is personal. Thanks for such a great recipe.

great recipe! I doubled the recipe, and put it into 3 8×12 aluminum pans. I froze two, beore cooking and will pull them out for company. The other one I baked and it came out perfect. I also cut the sugar to 1 cup, and added instant oatmeal to the topping mix.


1 box refrigerated pie crusts, softened as directed on box
1 cup granulated sugar
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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