You’ve Never Made Fried Eggs Like This Before!

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There are two types of people in this world: those who like their yolks runny, and those who don’t. While we understand the preferences of the side of the latter, runny yolks are undeniably for us, which means we have had a lot of trial and error when it comes to cooking them. So, if you are part of “team over easy” too, we have a great tip for you today!

It’s no secret that cooking up that perfect sunny-side-up egg takes a very particular set of skills—i.e. steady hands and patience! Heck, even though we make them pretty much every single morning, we find that our eggs only turn out to be really good about half of the time.

Not breaking the yolk is the first battle, but ensuring that both the egg white and the egg yolk have the perfect texture is a whole different animal altogether. It’s rare that the white is fully cooked and firm and the yellow is rich and oozing with flavorful goodness.

To avoid similar heartbreaking situations—and get stellar results every time—you need to think outside of the box— or rather, the shell.

Separate, Separate, Separate!

Now, we know that this new way of making perfect sunny-side-ups might make you feel a bit nervous, but the mouthwatering results will leave you hooked!

To get started, you will need to gather holding containers for your eggs—two for each. You will be separating the whites from the yolks, so it is best if you opt for one deep ramekin or plastic storage container and one shallow one. This will help keep your yolk, in particular, to hold its shape, and not spread.

Once all of your eggs are cracked and separated, heat up your frying pan of choice. For this step, it’s important that you add sufficient grease to the cooking surface because if you don’t, your effort will be all for naught!

Watch Video instructions in the Next Page …

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