Now that your frying pan is hot and ready to go, pour your first egg white directly onto the surface. We recommend cooking the white slowly—on a medium-low setting—until its color is ALMOST completely opaque.
Now, “almost” is the operative word in the above sentence, because if you wait too long, the white will be too slippery to have a yolk successfully stick to it. So, pay attention, and when you land on that moment, carefully transfer the egg yellow onto the middle of the white. Cook for a couple of minutes, depending on how firm you like the yolk and—voila—you’re all finished!
To master the 2-step egg frying technique for yourself, be sure to watch the full tutorial in the video below. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll never go back to rolling the dice with your old egg-cooking method!
We’d love to hear what all of you egg-lovers have to say about this genius frying technique. Have you tried this one before? If so, were you happy with the results? What is your favorite way to cook eggs?
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