You’ll Want To Have This Casserole For Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner!

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How Can You Go Wrong With Hashbrowns And Cheese?
I love eating breakfast for dinner. When McDonald’s starting serving breakfast all day instead of only in the morning I got super excited. Not that I need to be eating McDonald’s food all the time but hey, the option for breakfast while on the road at 10 pm at night is there and that makes me smile. So, anyhoo, this hashbrown casserole is filled with flavor, plus, it is overloaded with cheese. Yay!
You can’t have a hashbrown casserole without it being covered in lots of cheese, folks. So, the other day, I was in my kitchen and trying to come up with a suitable supper for my dear family. I plugged in the ingredients that I had in to a Google search and this lovely hashbrown casserole is what came up.
You guys are going to love how well this casserole tastes and how easy it is to make. I served it with scrambled eggs and wheat toast. My husband and kids did not leave any leftovers. Win for team mom!

You’ll love how easy this filling hashbrown casserole is to make. It doesn’t take long at all!
And you can trust me on that one – with the busy schedule I’m living right now, there’s no way I would ever try to make something that takes for hours. Nope! I need recipes that I can whip up with one hand, while I am still trying to work with the other. And this one is just like that!

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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