Fried Love: Wonton Apple Pie Bites

Cover Image for Fried Love: Wonton Apple Pie Bites

Jade is my little neighbor who er… dislikes my flowers in the driveway so she… picks on them every chance she gets.
I have a hard time reprimanding her because every time she destroys my flowers, her mother apologizes. Hallie is a wonderful neighbor and it’s hard to stay angry at the little girl who looks so angelic standing next to her mother. My husband laughs at me whenever that happens because he knows my weakness is kindness. He never even helps me whenever Hallie comes to bring me something as a form of apology.
With some stroke of luck though, I found out what Jade loves. She loves mini pies, the ones that you can buy in bakeries that have different pie fillings. When I found out about it, I searched through the internet for a recipe that will teach me how to make those delicious little pies.
I finally found this recipe that makes use of wonton wrappers. And since I’m a dimsum lover, I often have enough of them at home. So I made a batch and delivered it straight to their house.
It’s been months now and my flowers are still there, shining beautifully under the sun. Yup! Hallie says Jade loves them and wishes that the “lady next door should bring her more next time”. Oh I will.
If she continuously behaves.

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