This Broccoli Salad Is Better Than I’ve Ever Had At A Deli!

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I am definitely the type of person that likes to put foods into category by season. I like doing this so I can switch up my family’s menu and not have the same things all of the time. I have a love for each season, but I really love Summer foods. When I think of Summer foods I think of tons of cook outs style foods. Grilling and lot’s of different salads. I guess I think of Summer as one big 4th of July cookout!

You’ve got your tasty grilled meat of your choice. I’m more a grilled steak girl than I am anything else. Then you have all of your side dishes to complete the tasty entree. I love making side dish salads. Potato salad is always a classic. Can’t go wrong with a cold pasta salad. But my absolute favorite is a nice creamy broccoli salad. Who could go wrong with this salad? It has everything that you want!

This is the type of salad that makes kids eat vegetables. Heck, this is the type of salad that makes adults eat more vegetables. There is a lot of good flavor in broccoli salad. Who would have thought that broccoli could be such a hit and turn into a classic favorite salad? Once you try this recipe, you will understand why. This is the best recipe around!

I have tried quite a few broccoli salad recipes, not all made by me. I know that everyone likes to try to change recipes to their own style and that’s more than fine. But I do think that broccoli salad has to absolutely always include one ingredient and that is bacon. Whenever I saw this salad, I knew that there is typically bacon included. But I know that not everyone is a meat eater. I also like to add more veggies sometimes. Maybe a little carrot or a hint of jalapeno for a sweet an spicy dish. The formula is yours to make!

Check out what our friends from Prairie Calfornian have to say about this:

“But if you’ve never found a broccoli salad you like, this one is bound to make the cut. I’ve had even non-broccoli fans tell me they like this!”

Even the pickiest veggie eater will love this salad!
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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