The Odd Effect These Tricks Can Have on Your Body

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5. Lessen the Chance of Burn Scars

Minor burn on arm.

Help a burn heal naturally, quickly, and without blisters with this hack. Instead of rushing for the ice pack after a nasty burn, try pressing the pads of your fingers against the affected area gently. This will bring your skin back to body temperature less rapidly, which will reduce the risk of blisters appearing.

6. Drain Your Stuffy Nose

When your sinuses are acting up, it’s so difficult to focus on, well, anything. Try alternate pressingyour tongue to the roof of your mouth and one finger against each of your eyebrows. This force against your vomer bone with cause it to rock back and forth, and will loosen any mucus.

Give it a few seconds to work – it should take about 20 seconds to clear up.

7. Calm Your Nerves

Illustration of blowing on thumb

The next time you’re feeling nervous, whether it’s before a big date or a big presentation at work, try this quick trick: blowing on your thumb. It may sound strange, but doing so will regulate your breathing and will control your vagus nerve, which helps slow your heart rate and calm you down.


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