The Fastest Way To Make Cheddar Broccoli Soup

Cover Image for The Fastest Way To Make Cheddar Broccoli Soup

When my daughter had to have surgery recently, she really wasn’t feeling all that good for quite some time. I couldn’t find much that would make her happy either. Her appetite was non-existant. Needless to say, I felt extremly helpless in the whole situation. No mother wants to see their child in that kind of shape. I tried everything I could think of to cheer her up, and it just wasn’t happening. Finally, I thought about one dish that used to always comfort and make me feel better when I was younger. Broccoli and cheese soup. It was the ultimate comfort food back then, and I was hoping it still would be for her in her current situation.

I didn’t want to leave her side for too long, in case she needed me. Thankfully, I found this recipe on Spend With Pennies for a 20 minute version of it. I had to make a quick trip to the grocery store and then I got to work.

This went together just as quickly as what the recipe had said it would. My daughter actually ate it too. Soon after, she was feeling much better and got up and started moving around the house. Thank you soup!

This made a pretty decent sized pan, but I saved every last drop for my little girl. This is all she would eat for about a week, and I was okay with that. At least I knew she was getting some good vegetables in. Towards the end I started adding in some ham or bacon, just so that she could have some protein and restore some of her strength. Now, whenever she is feeling down, I offer to make this for her. She always accepts, and you can pretty much guarantee it’s going to do the job I hoped for.

Check out what they are saying about this recipe over at Spend With Pennies:

“BROCCOLI CHEESE SOUP recipe is incredible!”

It’s fast, affordable, and really yummy so you can’t really go wrong!

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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